- 1. Name and headquarters Under the name VEFJ – Association of European Specialized Journalists, an association exists within the meaning of Article 60 ff. ZGB (of the Civil Code) based in Baden (AG).
2. Area of association
The area of the association covers the whole of Europe.
The association represents its members at the national and international level.
The association is politically and denominationally neutral. -
3. Purpose
The association represents the interests of its members, by the conclusion of collective agreements and other agreements, and by maintaining a professional register;
Through the promotion of vocational education, training and professional reputation;
Through the mediation opportunities that it offers to its members in case of dispute.
The association also has the task to defend the political and economic freedom and independence of the media and its employees; and to perceive the interests of media creators;
To create a Europe-wide pool of journalists; to champion the enforcement of journalistic ethics and professional ethics, in particular compliance with the principles described in the "Declaration of the Duties and Rights of Journalists".
4. Active members
Everyone who commits their professional activity to journalism or moderation or draws at least 50% of their income from journalism activities may be included as an active member of the association.
Also, everyone may be included as an active member who has in the last two years dedicated 50% of his profession working as a technical editorial staff or draws at least 50% of their income from this activity. "Technical writing staff" pursuant to this provision encompasses, despite the specific designation and the legal relationship with the media company, everyone who is employed in the technical or design, manufacturing and production, or linguistic revision of media products worked and who gets reviewed by the editorial board. -
5. Passive members
Persons who are in a relationship with the information media may be included as passive members.
Passive members have no voting rights at the association level.
Sections and communities may recognize member rights to passive members within their autonomous region. - 6. Veterans Active members with and without BR that have been retired early or have reached the AHV age will be given veteran status of. They pay half the regular dues of their respective member category.
7. Honorary Members
The Board shall appoint honorary members of the association.
Honorary members have the same rights as active members. They are not required to pay membership dues however.
Honorary Members of the sections are not automatically honorary members of the association. -
8. Admission process
The "Admission Guidelines" regulate the precise description of membership categories and the admission and recourse processes, which are set up by the Board and must be approved by the Assembly of Delegates.
Applicants for a membership hand their application in at the relevant section which will make the decision of acceptance or rejection, which will be forwarded immediately to the office. The applicant may appeal decisions of the section and the office to the Board. - 9. Control of membership The office or the sections have to verify the status of the members regularly. Sections and office have to report to the Board on the results of the inspection report.
10. Change of category
Members who no longer meet the conditions for their category must be moved into the category appropriate to their professional conditions. They are to be divided into the categories that suit their professional conditions.
The office or the section respectively decides on the reallocation. Decisions of the section concerning reallocation will be forwarded immediately to the office.
The affected member may appeal against the decisions of the section or the office in front of the Board. The procedure is governed by the admission guidelines. -
11. Cancellation
Membership in VEFJ is canceled by written notice, which must be received at the office of VEFJ respectively on the 30th of November. The date of the postmark applies. After that date, cancellation will become effective at the end of the next year and the association member shall remain liable to pay contributions for that period of time.
Departing members are not entitled to association assets or the refund of contributions paid. Everyone who is member on January 1 of each year is liable to pay contributions for the current year. -
12. Exclusion from membership
A member will be excluded if they no longer meet the requirements for membership in VEFJ or if they do not fulfill their financial obligations to the association after prior warning.
A member who acts in serious contrast to the interests of the association may be expelled from the association.
Cancellation and exclusion are made by the appropriate section. They result in the loss of the membership and must be approved by the Board.
Exclusions and cancellations may be appealed within 30 days of notification of the approved decision at the office for submission to the Assembly of Delegates.
Cancelled or excluded members are not entitled to association assets or the refund ofcontributions paid.
4. Active members
Everyone who commits their professional activity to journalism or moderation or draws at least 50% of their income from journalism activities may be included as an active member of the association.
13. Professional register of journalistically active media creators BR
Active members who have been working full-time as a journalist for at least two years will be included in the professional register of journalistically active media creators BR of the VEFJ.
The conditions for entering and staying in the professional register of VEFJ as well as related proceedings, including appeal procedures are governed by the Regulations on the European press card. - 14. Control of BR entry criteria The sections respectively the office regularly checks whether the registered members still meet the registration requirements of the professional register.
13. Professional register of journalistically active media creators BR
Active members who have been working full-time as a journalist for at least two years will be included in the professional register of journalistically active media creators BR of the VEFJ.
15. Section jurisdiction
Establishment, merger or dissolution of the sections is subject to approval by the Board.
The statutes of the sections are to be approved by the Board.
The sections are autonomous within the limits of these association statutes.
Activities on the part of the VEFJ Central Committee in the field of activity of a section shall require the advance consultation with the Section Board.
15. Section jurisdiction
Establishment, merger or dissolution of the sections is subject to approval by the Board.
16. Institutions of the Association
The General Assembly is the supreme body of the Federation. A General Assembly is held annually. The respective date will be announced well in advance. At the GA each member has one vote; decisions shall be taken by simple majority. Passive members are invited to the Annual General Assembly, but shall have no voting rights.
At the GA each member has one vote; decisions shall be taken by simple majority. Passive members are invited to the Annual General Assembly, but shall have no voting rights. b) The Board consists of three (3) to five (5) persons, namely: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and max. 1 assessor.
The Board constitutes itself with the exception of the President, who is elected by the General Assembly..
The Board is elected for two years and is eligible for reappointment. c) The inspection body (audit) consists of one to two auditors who should be club members.
The inspection body shall be appointed for two years and is eligible for reappointment.
16. Institutions of the Association
The General Assembly is the supreme body of the Federation. A General Assembly is held annually. The respective date will be announced well in advance. At the GA each member has one vote; decisions shall be taken by simple majority. Passive members are invited to the Annual General Assembly, but shall have no voting rights.
- 17. Signature regulations The board members perform all signatures in twos.
- 18. Liability Only the assets of the association are liable for the debts of the association. The personal liability of the members is excluded.
- 19. Amendment of statutes These Statutes may be amended by the General Assembly, if three-quarters of the members agree to present the proposal.
20.Dissolution of the Association
The dissolution of the association may be adopted by a three-quarters majority of the active members at an Extraordinary General Assembly.
In case of dissolution of the association, its assets fall to an institution which carries the same or similar purpose. - 21.Entry into force These statutes have been approved at the General Meeting held on 21.04.2013 and been put into effect. They replace the original statutes of 05.08.2009 (handed in on 01.09.2011 and 18.03.2013).
Baden-Dättwil, 21. April 2013
The Chairman:
The Secretary: